Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

Red light therapy is a treatment method that’s been growing in popularity and being more commonly used nowadays. It’s recognized for its diverse range of health and wellness advantages. Yet, a major inquiry remains: is red light therapy safe? If you want to try it, you're likely mulling over it, which is completely understandable.
This article will provide a clear understanding of the safety of this form of therapy. Find out its benefits and whether it’s safe to try and practice. At the same time, learn some valuable tips on how to ensure maximum benefits and safety when doing it.
Benefits of Red Light Therapy
Red light therapy uses different, usually low, levels of infrared light for treating various skin and health conditions. Generally, it helps increase blood flow, collagen levels, and fibroblast production in the body. It also helps reduce inflammation. Because of these, here are its known benefits:
- Improve wound healing and tissue repair
- Help reduce stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles
- Improve acne and scars
- Enhance facial texture
- Improve hyperpigmentation
- Help reduce pain and soreness
- Contribute and induce hair growth
- Help with fat loss
- Help reduce side effects of some cancer treatment
Aside from these, there may be some more benefits you might have heard of. Still, there’s a need for further research to prove the effectiveness of red light therapy in those instances.
Is Red Light Therapy Safe?
In general, it’s considered safe, especially when used and administered properly. No side effects are linked to it, particularly when used for a short duration and as instructed. This is because it’s non-invasive, harmless, and painless. For your peace of mind, here are more details on its safety:
During Pregnancy
There’s limited research that confirms it’s completely safe for pregnant people to use it. No research has found any risks that you might encounter. In fact, using it while pregnant can help with stretch marks and cellulite. This is mainly due to the fact that red light therapy (RLT) can increase collagen production and help with tissue repair.
On the Eyes
Red light therapy is generally considered safe for the eyes when used properly. In fact, some studies show that using red light therapy can even improve eye health. In a 2020 study, it was found that brief daily treatment of RLT with a 670 nm level for two weeks helps improve eye health. Specifically, it enhanced color and contrast vision by 20% on average and 47% in younger participants.
Aside from this, there are other research studies that found how red light therapy helped in improving eye health.
Cancer Risks
One major concern about the use of red or infrared light as treatment is the potential risk of cancer. Nevertheless, there’s no proof that it can actually cause cancer. This is because of the absence of ultraviolet (UV) rays or light, which is commonly present in tanning beds and can cause skin cancer.
Red light therapy can actually help with the adverse effects of cancer treatment. However, individuals who have had skin cancer in the past should still think about seeking advice from a medical provider before trying red light therapy.
Safety Tips to Remember When Practicing Red Light Therapy
The best way to ensure that it’s safe to use red light therapy is to follow proper procedures and as instructed. First of all, if you’re really worried about using it, your safest option is to ask a qualified professional, like a dermatologist or an expert, if you have a medical condition. Aside from that, make sure to follow these tips when using the therapy:
Follow a Time Limit
Red light therapy is considered safe as long as you use it in the short term. This means you can’t expose your body to red light for long periods of time. As a general rule, don’t use any RLT device for up to 30 minutes. It can cause burns, lesions, and blistering.
Buy Approved Devices
If you plan to use red light therapy at home, you’ll probably just need to buy a device online. Make sure to check if they’re FDA-approved before purchasing. This would mean that it’s safe to use, especially even without the supervision of a professional.
Protect Your Eyes
If the red light will reach or cover your eyes, make sure to wear protective goggles when doing so. You can also opt to keep your eyes shut during the whole session. Although it’s generally safe for the eyes, there’s still a potential risk of eye damage, especially if your eyes are directly exposed to the light. This is especially true if you’re not comfortable with looking at lights.
At the same time, make sure to not fall asleep when using a red light therapy device. Falling asleep while you have the device on or in place can cause you to go over the time limit. This can then cause burns and blisters.
Another alternative is to buy a device that is specifically designed to be used around the eye area, like a face mask. This way, you can avoid any discomfort and risk altogether. Take note that this is only applicable if you’ll be using the device on your face, not other body parts.
Make Sure to Take Care Of the Device
Store the device properly and neatly in a place where it won’t get wet or damaged. This is to avoid device corrosion and breaking of the wires. Because if these things happen, not only will the device malfunction but it can also have negative effects.
Is red light therapy safe? Generally, it is. Just make sure to use it properly—for a short period of time and by following instructions. There are more studies with results that show the benefits and effectiveness of red light therapy than the ones showing how unsafe it is.
So, if you’re looking for a sign to use RLT and get your own device, this is it. You can also check our red light therapy collection for some high-quality units!